What parents think about alcohol impacts their children & their children's friends. Join us for an engaging event to share resources and answer questions about issues related to Teen & Young Adult Substance Abuse, Protective Family Factors, Parental Monitoring Strategies, Facts & Consequences of Underage Drinking and Local Resources for Intervention, Treatment & Recovery.
Presenter: Steve Waldo, Educator for the Department of Liquor Control
Why: We realize that parents’ knowledge and beliefs about alcohol’s impact influence how
they connect with their children and teens around this topic. Staying current, no matter your children’s age helps you be a better parent and community member.
Who Should Attend: Parents, teens, educators, caregivers, town officials,
store and bar owners, and other interested community members.
Where: Varnum Memorial Library
RSVP: Jessica Bickford, 802.730.6599 or
by email: healthylamoille@gmail.com
Sponsored by: Healthy Lamoille Valley, Varnum Memorial Library and the Department of Liquor Control