On Wednesday, March 14th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, we will have the first meeting of a Scrabble© group that will meet at the Morristown Centennial Library. The group is open to anyone who enjoys playing Scrabble©. At this first meeting, we will try to start our games no later than 5:30 PM. We will need some Scrabble© boards and 3-minute timers, as well as a couple of Scrabble© dictionaries to resolve challenges.
If you want to bring a snack, keep it light. We can also bring soft drinks or make coffee or tea at the library.
If you are interested in playing, please contact Bill Robinson at 802-851-8357 or billrobinson43@comcast.net.
My thanks to Giselle Guyette, who has helped me in getting this started.