The Federated Church is again hosting Happy Days Playschool's Mac & Cheese Extravaganza. Better yet there is a Dessert Auction afterwards!!! Thank yous go to local restaurants and individuals who are providing the Mac and Cheeses. They are all different and include meats, veggies, plain, Italian, etc. The Restaurants are Ye Olde Tavern, Gringo Jacks, East Arlington Take Out, Chauncey's, Arlington Inn and West Mountain Inn. And Cindy Pike, cook for Happy Days will provide our children's favorite plus a chicken and Ranch Mac and Cheese. Even more special is a Spatzle Mac & Cheese from the new Vermont Spatzle Company in Arlington. Buffet dinner at 5:00 also includes roll, applesauce and salad. The dessert auction starts around 6:00 with desserts made by staff, Board and parents. A free will offering will be collected which means you give what you can. All proceeds go to Happy Days for their enrichment activities!! Hope to see you there.