Selectboard Meeting Agenda

Past event
Feb 27, 2018, 7 to 9:30 PM

Town of Fair Haven
Selectboard, Water & Sewer Commissioners,
Liquor Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 - 7:00 PM

1) Call to Order - 7:00 pm
2) Pledge of Allegiance - 7:01 pm
3) Amendments to the Agenda - 7:02 pm
4) Approval of Minutes of February 13, 2018; February 20, 208 - 7:03 pm
5) Five Minutes for Public Comment - 7:05 pm
6) Letters & Communications - 7:10 pm
7) Department Head Reports - 7:15 pm
8) Town Manager Report - 7:30 pm
9) New Business - 7:40 pm
a) Recreation Director - Sarah Daley & Emily Rinquist
10) Action Items - 7:50 pm
a) Liquor License applications
b) Appointment of Alternative Authorized Representative - Form to Sign
c) Motor blower purchase from the Water Sinking Fund - (see memo)
11) Old Business - 8:00 pm
a. Continue Water / Sewer Rate discussion
b. Downtown Committee
12) Board Roundtable - 8:20 pm
13) Review of Financial Reports - 8:30 pm
a) Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b) Checkbook Status
c) Review and Approve Warrants
14. Executive Session - 8:45 pm - Lawyer communications, DPW Superintendent Contract
15. Adjourn - 9:30 pm

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 - 7:00 PM
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - 7:00 PM

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