Annual Meeting and Budget Presentation will be held on Tuesday February 27th at 7:00PM at West Rutland Town Hall.
This meeting is a new format for residents of the communities of Poultney, Proctor, and West Rutland at which nominations and voting from the floor by the community members attending will result in the positions of School Moderator, School Clerk, and School Treasurer.
Also, at this meeting the Quarry Valley School District budget for FY19 (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019) will be presented and questions answered. The proposed budget will be voted on town meeting day March 6th in each town represented in the school district by Australian ballot then the votes will be counted combined after the polls close.
The proposed budget of all schools in the district is $16,575,481.
The estimated adjusted tax rate for Poultney residents for this budget is $1.47 ( .0205 less than last year).
A more detailed budget (Annual Report)can be accessed through, web pages or the town hall, library and rswsu central office should all have hard copies. These books are separate from the usual town report and will not be mailed this year.
I encourage people to get a copy and if there are questions to come on the 27th and participate in the annual meeting process. Very important Vote March 6th.
The budget power point presentation will also be available for presentation on March 1st at the final Annual Meeting of the Poultney Town School District at 7:30PM.
See you there.
Dec 21, 2024, 10 to 11:30 AM
3rd Fox Room Paranormal Investigation, VT Specter SquadDec 21, 2024, 1 to 3:30 PM
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