Town Meeting (Tuesday, March 6th at 9am in the J.E.S multi-purpose room) is a unique, 200-year-old Vermont tradition that is best known for its citizen participation in community decision making. The voices and votes of our townspeople decide on the budget and tax rate (yes, taxes that YOU pay) and articles (think “big ticket” items) that are prepared by the Select Board (elected officials, like myself, who represent you). Your attendance and participation at Town Meeting enable you to make informed choices on your town’s finances and services - and therefore your wallet. ☺
Town meeting also serves a social function. It brings people together who might not otherwise know each other, which can strengthen social ties within a town and help people work together to tackle community problems.
Anybody can attend Town Meeting, but only registered Johnson voters are allowed to participate (speak and vote) UNLESS the voters decide to pass a motion to allow the individual to “address the assembly.” This motion must pass by a 2/3-majority vote.
POP QUIZ: Who calls the shots at Town Meeting?
Find the answer on page 11 of the Annual Town Report (the white booklet that was mailed to you last week! :)
Looking forward to seeing you on March 6th,
Kyle Ellen Nuse
Feb 1, 2025, 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Adult PickleballFeb 2, 2025, 9 to 11 AM
Lamoille Legislative Breakfast - Join the Conversation!Feb 3, 2025, 8 to 9:30 AM