Essex Westford School District Board Meeting Feb. 20

Past event
Feb 20, 2018, 6:30 to 9 PM

The Essex Westford School District Board will next meet on Tuesday, February 20 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Essex High School Library.

Agenda items for the meeting include:
*Presentation on EWSD Student Learning Opportunities
*Ratify Support Staff Contract
*Draft Vision
*Draft School Start/Stop Times with Embedded Professional Development
*Task Team Updates
*Local Board & Statewide Updates
*FY19 Budget Work Session (Review FY19 Budget Recommendations; Review and Approve EWSD Annual Meeting Warning)

The public is welcome to attend.

You can view each of the presentations that the Board has received focused on the FY19 budget by visiting the following link:

There will be three open seats on the EWSD Board this year (one for a resident in each of the three communities: Essex Junction, Essex Town, and Westford). If you are interested in running, petitions are due by March 5.

For more information on the work of the Board, which includes, agendas, minutes, and meeting takeaways, please visit the following link:

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