Intergenerational Leadership Exchange

Past event
Apr 28, 2018, 10 AM to 4 PM

Are you interested in conversations that cross generational divides? Have you wondered how to sustain your leadership in an increasingly complex world? Are you curious about creating conditions for human qualities of generosity, community, and joy in the midst of chaos and tragedy? WholeHeart welcomes you to attend our fourth Intergenerational Leadership Exchange on Saturday, April 28th from 10 am to 4pm at the Green Mountain Monastery. The Intergenerational Leadership Exchange brings together intergenerational leaders from a variety of fields and backgrounds for a day-long think-tank in which to exchange ideas, inspiration, and practical means for addressing today's most critical concerns.

This workshop will include:

Spaciousness for reflection
Small group discussion & collaboration
Opportunity to challenge generational myths
Lessons from the natural world and
Collective inspiration to lead with conviction & grace.

Lunch is included. Sliding scale available. Bring a friend, an acquaintance, or someone whose leadership you would like to encourage. To register, visit:

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