Warning of 95th Annual City Meeting

Past event
Mar 6, 2018, 7 AM to 7 PM

The legal voters of Winooski are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Performing Arts Center, Winooski Education Center on Monday, March 5, 2018 at 6:00 o’clock in the evening to discuss, Article Three, Article Four, Article Five, Article Six and to conduct an informational hearing on Australian Ballot questions, and the meeting to be adjourned to reconvene at the Winooski Senior Center, 123 Barlow St., on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 to transact any business involving voting by Australian Ballot to begin at 7:00 o’clock in the morning and to close at 7:00 o’clock in the evening. The legal voters of the City of Winooski are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Chapter 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.

Article One:

To elect a Mayor for a term of three (3) years.

Article Two:

To elect two (2) City Councilors for a term of two (2) years each.

Article Three: City Budget

Shall the voters of the City of Winooski approve the budget for the Fiscal Year for 2019 in the amount of Six Million, Six Hundred Ninety-Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighty-Eight Dollars and Seventy-Seven Cents ($6,697,988.77)? The amount to be raised from property taxes is Five Million, Three Hundred Eighty Thousand, Five Hundred Twenty-Nine Dollars and Thirteen Cents ($5,380,529.13)?

Article Four:

Shall the City Council be authorized to apply for and accept funds from sources other than property taxation, and to expend the same for the benefit of the City in addition to sums for which budget appropriation has been made? (Approval of this article will not impact property taxes.)

Article Five: Bond Vote

Shall general obligation bonds of the City of Winooski in an amount not to exceed One Million, Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,450,000) be issued for planning, design, and construction of capital improvements to the City’s wastewater treatment plant, including a new headworks structure housing a mechanical screen and grit removal system and a garage building, at a total estimated cost of $1,450,000? Of this funding One Million, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000) is expected to be eligible for funding from the State Revolving Loan Fund for the new headworks improvements. Repayment is intended to come from the enterprise fund, subject to any reduction for applicable state and federal grants-in-aid and any applicable general funds.

Article Six:

Shall the City of Winooski enter into an agreement for the formation of a union municipal district to be known as the Chittenden County Public Safety Authority, for the purpose of providing regional emergency dispatch?

Click here to view the signed, official Warning of the 95th Annual City Meeting: http://bit.ly/2sxVPTz

2018 Town Meeting Day

The annual informational meeting and budget presentation will take place at the Winooski Educational Center (6 PM / 60 Normand Street, Winooski VT 05404) on Monday, March 5th 2018.

The annual Winooski City and School Election (Vermont Town Meeting Day) will take place on Tuesday, March 6th 2018 at the Winooski Senior Center (7 AM – 7 PM 123 Barlow Street, Winooski VT 05404).


Effective January 1 2017, there is no longer a voter registration deadline. Voters can register right up until the day of an election. The polling location for Winooski is at the Winooski Senior Center on 123 Barlow Street (open 7 AM to 7 PM on all election days).

Click here to view a sample 2018 ballot: http://bit.ly/2CkQIpn

Local election results will be posted within five business days.

For more information on voting in Winooski, click here to visit our voting page: https://www.winooskivt.org/voting/

Annual Report (Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017)

Click here to view the digital version of the 95th Annual Report: http://bit.ly/2o7Ax9X
Click here to download a high-resolution copy of the 95th Annual Report: http://bit.ly/2EL3p2b

Hard copies will be made available at Winooski City Hall and at the Winooski Senior Center during Town Meeting Day.

Questions regarding Town Meeting Day or voting in Winooski can be forwarded to Carol Barrett, Winooski City Clerk: cjbarrett@winooskivt.org / 802 655 6410

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