Town Planning Commission Meeting

Past event
Feb 22, 2018, 6:30 PM

The Town of Essex Planning Commission will review a proposal for development at 70 Essex Way (The Essex Resort and Spa property) in the Mixed Use-Planned Unit Development District (MXD-PUD). This application was rescheduled from January 11, and some minor adjustments have been made since.

The proposal is to build a 27-unit market-rate apartment building on the site formerly occupied by Northern Lights Rock and Ice climbing facility. To meet density requirements, the applicants propose to transfer land from 6 Freeman Woods to the Essex Resort property. Therefore, the proposal will be reviewed as two applications: first, a boundary line adjustment/minor subdivision for the land transfer; then, a major subdivision for the apartment building. The Commission will conduct the first stage of review (Sketch Plan) for both applications at the upcoming meeting.

In addition to reviewing this application, the Planning Commission will review the annual residential phasing report, and the meeting will also include a presentation by Regina Mahoney from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission on potential improvements to the Zoning Regulations to promote affordable housing development.

Comments from the public are welcome at the meeting and, for consent agenda items, must be made during the "Public Comments" period at the beginning of the meeting.

Plans and reports are online at{4244294F-1BC3-44EF-AFEA-695EA129F287} The full Planning Commission agenda is available online at{14B29EEC-14C7-46B3-9943-888923974E42}&a[...]92}

For more information about any item on the agenda, please visit the Community Development Department at 81 Main St., call 878-1343, or email or

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