Community Forum on Racial Disparities in Education
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
6:00 – 8:00
Mount Anthony Union Middle School
100 East Road, Bennington
Refreshments and Childcare Provided
Free to attend, Open to the public
Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union in conjunction with the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE) are pleased to announce a community forum and dialogue on racial disparities in Vermont educational systems.
In 2017, the body established ACT 54 which seeks to interrogate and develop solutions on racial disparities in Vermont state systems including education. The Vermont Human Rights Commission and Attorney General’s Office produced a stakeholder informed report with key findings and recommendations that was released in December of 2017. You can access the report here:[...]pdf
The report highlighted challenges and opportunities for improvement in these areas:
• Disciplinary measures and need for restorative practices
• Diversity in school staffing and administration
• Curriculum that is representative, culturally responsive, social justice oriented, inclusive of accurate indigenous history
• Achievement gaps for children of color
The Vermont legislature is currently considering H.794, known as the Ethnic and Social Equity in Schools bill which seeks to improve education standards and establish a model policy on ethnic and social equity practices for Vermont schools. Representative Kiah Morris, lead sponsor for both ACT 54 legislation and the Ethnic and Social Equity bill will provide a summary and review the aforementioned report.
Rebecca Holcombe, Secretary, Chris Case, AOE Education Project Manager and Dr. Emma Louie, AOE Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Coordinator will join Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union representatives, educators, parents, youth, elected officials and community members in a facilitated panel discussion and community dialogue on these