Pownal Community Healthcare Discussion and Movie
Free movie and discussion: Mar 1, 7:00. Rights and Democracy Bennington will host a healthcare event- a movie and discussion at the Solomon Wright Public Library in Pownal. Admission is free. The event will address ever growing challenges to access healthcare and stay healthy, both on the Vermont and Federal levels. The Movie “NOW IS THE TIME” will be shown at 7 pm, followed by a discussion about how we can increase healthcare access and save lives.
Bob Block, a past President of the Vermont Medical Society and current member of the Green Mountain Care Board Advisory Committee emphasizes that, “What we need is healthcare for all- not just for those who can afford high premiums, deductibles and copays. I hope everyone will join us for the eye-opening film.” The movie, a documentary tracing actions of healthcare activists, explains how we can secure a publicly funded, single payer, Medicare for All type of healthcare. It features many folks from Vermont, since Vermont was the first state in the US to pass a “Path to Universal Healthcare” law. It also dispels the myth that “we tried it and it failed”.
Charlie Murphy, of Vermont Center for Independent Living, said: “Now really IS the time! We must protect each other’s healthcare, and especially care for those who already face other challenges. We must make sure health needs are met.” Dick Dundas, Director of the Bennington Free Clinic, added: "The excessive cost of our health care limits access to care, and America's health is worse than other industrialized nations." Bob Howe, a North Bennington based community and arts activist adds: “Presently our health care system is designed mainly for making profits for insurance companies. Until we change that we will continue see cost rise. Other countries pay half the price, cover all citizens and have better outcomes.” Rights and Democracy is affiliated with Our Revolution, and has a Healthcare Justice Voter Campaign in Vermont. For further information or questions contact: Mary Gerisch – 802-379-6311 Marygerisch@gmail.com