Agenda - Planning Commission Meeting - January 22 (Wed) - 7:30pm - Hinesburg Town Office (lower level conference room)
1. Public comments for non-agenda items (5 minutes)
2. Shoreline zoning district regulation revisions - review 1st draft
- Revise purpose statement
- Increase size/extent of the district (match watershed area)
- Create a shoreline vegetation buffer area
- Create stormwater mitigation steps for expansion of non-complying structures
- Evaluate allowed development density
- Evaluate allowed uses
3. Energy efficiency zoning revision proposal (section 5.23.2 #1) - cont'd from 12/11/13 & 1/8/14 meetings
4. Minutes of January 8, 2014 meeting
5. Other business - correspondence/news/announcements:
- AT&T cell tower applications - Leavensworth Road upgrade proposal; New tower proposal on Audrey Linn property in northeastern corner of Hinesburg (access from Williams Road in Richmond)
Contact me for more information or accommodations for people with special needs.
Alex Weinhagen
Director of Planning & Zoning, Town of Hinesburg - Planning/Zoning page
802-482-2281 ext. 225
10632 Route 116, Hinesburg, VT 05461
Mar 2, 2025, 2 to 3:45 PM
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