From now on (as in the past) we will meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Library of the Black River High School building.
We have a lot of work to do and we would love for you to join us as we move forward with the planning of the independent Black River Academy. It is my expectation that over the next few weeks we will try to form some subcommittees which will be essential as we plan the school. The following tasks are central to our endeavor:
School development - dealing with the logistics of the mountain of paperwork involved but also developing a central curriculum and calendar for the school.
Outreach - communicating with the community including parents, students and teachers, and getting feedback on what kind of school they would like to see in this community.
What is important to them?
Fundraising - Mailers, Events, Crowdfunding (you name it and we might want to try it)
Financial Feasibility - without which none of this can be made to happen
If any of these areas strike a cord with you and you say 'I am up for that!' Then we would like you to join us on Tuesday the 13th at 6:30pm and every Tuesday after that.
Let's get to work!
Uli Donohue