February 13, 2018 6-8 PM – United Community Church-North (Parlor) 1325 Main St. – St. Johnsbury
6:00 - 6:10 Pizza; Meet and Greet; Welcome and Introductions (Deb and Suzanne)
6:10 - 6:45 - Facilitated Discussion: What holds our community together when there is so much going on (Agencies, initiatives, economic development, health care)? Where do our youth turn when despair hits? A response to the issue of overdosing under our noses. (Deb Bach and Suzanne Legare Belcher)
6:45 - 7:45 Updates and announcements:
Prevention Team (meets 1st Mon. of month 3-4:30 VT Dept. of Health), NDC (Northeast Prevention Coalition) –Cheryl, Tonia, and Tenny Neighborhoods , CURES Grant – Cheryl, Deb, Tonia Recovery Team
Kingdom Recovery Center Activities - Steve Housing; Recovery Housing and other activities - Steve and Nancy
BAART -Tina; Pathways -Steve
Intervention Team
- Governor’s Opioid Coordinating Council information (Steve)
- Report from St J PD if possible
7:45 – 8:00 Closing