Hello Huntington! You know that old saying, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a diff...." Whoops. Too snarky? Hopefully you're laughing, or at the very least I've got your attention because we've all got a voice in this.
On Town Meeting Day (3/6), the powers that be have decided that the town of Huntington, will for a 4th time, vote "Yes" or "No" to school merger. Maybe you already know which way you want to vote. Maybe you want to see if anything has changed. Maybe you just want to state your point of view or argue with your neighbors. By law, there has to be an informational forum on the ballot item. This will be an excellent time to exercise your right to all of the above. Come on down to Brewster-Pierce next Tuesday, the 13th at 6:30 pm. If you can't make that one, there is another one on Tuesday, February 27th. Should be fun! Join us!
The agenda for the entire night is below. The informational event is being held after the Huntington School Board's regularly scheduled meeting (which was bumped up to 5:30 pm) You can come to both, we love community input! At the very least, please come at 6:30 pm. I'll be driving straight to the meeting from taking the BPMS kids to the Bolton After-School program. Hooray for snow! If you have kids at the school, Winterfest is this Saturday from 1-3pm. Look for the email from P.I.E. Have a great weekend everyone!
(links found at https://www.cesuvt.org/school-board/huntingtonboard)
February 13, 2018
Meeting to be held at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School
5:30 pm
1. Old/New Business
Review electric use and options -- Jeff Forward
Discuss any remaining details related to merger forums
Discuss town meeting presentation topics and data
2. Consent Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes
(Link to 1/9/18 meeting minutes)
(Link to 1/30/18 meeting minutes)
Link to Principal’s Report
Link to Superintendent’s Report
Committee Reports (minutes below)
3. Approve monthly warrants.
4. Other Business
5. Plan Next Meeting Agenda
Set date and time for next meeting
Future agenda items
6. Executive Session: Title 1, Sec 313(a)3,1 Personnel/Negotiations (if needed)
6:30 pm
7. Article 7 Informational Meeting: Proposed merger presentation
8. Comments from community
Jan 25, 2025, 11 AM to 2 PM
Remember Baker (Live Music)Jan 25, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
River Ice Spotter TrainingJan 29, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM