V-Day Essex: Vagina Monologues

Past event
Feb 9, 7:30 PM to 9 PM, Feb 10, 2018

Charles Isherwood of The New York Times called this play "probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade." (3 Sept. 2006)

The following notice is reposted from Countryside, on behalf of Abbie Tykocki

Dear Neighbors,

Essex Community Players will stage a benefit production of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues this Friday and Saturday, Feb. 9th and 10th at 7:30 pm.

The Vagina Monologues is a collection of true stories which delves into powerful experiences of body image, sexual awakening, and sexual experiences through the eyes of women* of various ages, races, and sexuality.

Twenty years ago, the reaction to The Vagina Monologues led to the creation of V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against all women and girls*. V-Day activists stage benefit productions during the month of February to raise funds and awareness for local anti-violence groups and to galvanize community action.

Today, the movement is more active than ever, producing art for social change, activating communities and colleges, and raising crucial funds for rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters, and local programs for transgender youth and immigrants. The script also includes a Spotlight segment to reflect the needs of each community. On Saturday, V-Day Essex Junction will spotlight Muslim Girls Making Change, an award-winning social justice youth slam poetry group made up of local high school students. On Friday, we'll put the spotlight on two female comedians from the Vermont Comedy Club.

“This play addresses women's sexuality and the social stigma surrounding rape and abuse. 20 years ago, it created a new conversation about and with women. In 2018, staging this production of The Vagina Monologues is more than a theatrical experience; it is an artistic uprising and a radical act of resistance.” – Nan Murat, Artistic Director

V-Day Essex Junction is being presented as a benefit for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and The Resistance. Performances will begin at 7:30pm on both nights and run for approximately 90 minutes with no intermission.
V-Day Essex Junction Cast & Production Team

Artistic Director, Nan Murat
Producer, Becky Millard
Stage Manager, Alex Garbeck
Lighting Designer, Roya Millard
Publicity, Abbie Tykocki

Holly Biracree, Director
Carly Bennett, Director / Actor
Emily Benway, Director/Actor
Peggy Bonesteel, Actor
Sarah DeBouter, Actor
Rowan DurbyBurras, Director / Actor
Tricia Grube, Actor
Cynthia Little, Actor
Becky Millard, Actor
Roya Millard, Actor
Jennifer Patterson, Actor
Kat Redniss, Director / Actor
Kayla Tornello, Actor
Mary Towle-Hilt, Director / Actor
Abbie Tykocki, Director / Actor
Lori Valburn, Actor
Kyla Waldron, Director / Actor
Lindsay Whitaker, Actor

*”Women and girls” is used here as an inclusive term reflecting all those who were assigned and/or identify as female (cisgender, transgender & gender non-conforming).

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