"How to Retire Without Going Broke" class series begins Wednesday

Past event
Jan 15, 2014, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

Historically low interest rates. Volatile stock markets. A dizzying array of financial products and advice. The challenges for those who are retired or about to do so are significant. Will your money last as long as you do? Without sales pitches or product promotions, this series of five classes will take an objective look at the question of how to create a sustainable income for the rest of your life. We'll look at a variety of techniques for building a secure long-term income, examine the best of recent academic thinking on the topic, touch on some of the risks along the way, and wrap up with a look at the many ways to put your plan into action and manage it. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of the issues to better inform your work with your advisor or on your own. David Carris is a Vice President for Wealth Management, Financial Advisor, and Portfolio Manager with UBS Financial Services in South Burlington with over 19 years experience helping individuals and families navigate the complex road to and through retirement. Series is Free and Open to the Public. Pre-registration requested at 223-2518, content builds on preceding talks, but walk-ins also welcome and donations appreciated.

The classes will be held at the Montpelier Senior Activity Center at 58 Barre Street. The first class will begin at 5:30 p.m. this Wednesday, January15th.

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