What makes a great Valentine’s Day Party? Yummy food and a ukulele love-song sing-along!
Don’t stay home on Tuesday, February 13th... Join us at the Winooski Senior Center for a party!
Our menu will include hors d’oeuvres & appetizers, and a special dessert buffet (with chocolate of course!). We'll have great door prizes and lovely party gifts too! All for only $5.00 (pay in advance) - RSVP by noon on February 8th.
Entertainment by Cynthia Foster, a local musician/sing-along leader and members of the Ukulele Melee, a Burlington-area musical group. They play a wide range of styles including folk, rock and jazz.
Doors open at 11:00am, party begins at noon.
The Winooski Senior Center is a friendly, community gathering place where you can connect, volunteer, enjoy cultural experiences, have a great meal, take classes and much more! Call us at 655-6425 to reserve your meal or for more information. Check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/winooskiseniorcenter/ and see our activity calendar at http://www.winooskivt.org/senior-programs/
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