We're excited to announce the return of weekly Trivia Nights on Wednesdays this winter! This week's Trivia Night -- January 31 -- will benefit Jeremy Smith and his family. You can learn more here: http://www.benningtonbanner.com/stories/community-support-in-the-midst-of-illness,528232?
If you haven't had a chance to join us yet, the routine is pretty simple: the bar will open at 5:30PM for drinks, dinner orders will be taken at 6PM, and trivia will begin at 7PM sharp. We also pass around a basket to collect $5 donations for the night's beneficiary.
We welcome large and small teams alike, so grab some friends and make your reservations today by calling (802) 824-6789 or emailing theinnatweston@comcast.net. You can also RSVP on Facebook: http://bit.ly/innatwestontrivia