Save the Date - Shelburne Candidates Forum

Past event
Feb 20, 2018, 7 to 8:30 PM

All Welcome. Each year, a nonpartisan forum is held to meet and listen to all candidates seeking election in Shelburne.

This posting is a heads up that the date, and time and sponsors are finalized.

Candidates are formally invited once the deadline for filing has passed and the ballot is finalized. Stay tuned for more details. Please save the date and attend. Bring your friends and neighbors. Be sure to vote.

Shelburne Candidates Forum

DATE - February 20, 2018

Time - 7 pm to 8:30 pm - most candidates will be available following the forum

Place - exact location to be determined - in the Town Offices Building

Moderator - Tom Little

Coordinator & Contact person - Nancy E. Baker nebaker 802-578-4044

Sponsors - Shelburne Democrats Committee, Shelburne Republicans Committee & Shelburne Progressives Committee

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