The Annual Meeting of the East Montpelier Senior Living Initiative will be held on TUESDAY, JAN. 30, at the Municipal Office Building (aka the Town Clerk's office) in East Montpelier, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
In addition to sharing refreshments and electing officers for the coming year, we will hear about the the Old LaPerle Farm property planning committee's progress toward developing this town-owned parcel in the village.
Some Background:
EMSLI began in 2005 with a goal to provide housing for seniors and to assure that seniors who prefer to remain in town through their later years would have that option.
After reviewing several potential properties over the years, we have hopes to collaborate with the Old LaPerle Farm Property Committee to include senior housing units with their final plan on the current site. Toward that end, EMSLI designed three possible buildings, each of which would include community facilities to provide services, including space for a permanent home for Twin Valley Senior Center.
All residents interested in housing for seniors should join us at the upcoming Annual Meeting.
For more information, contact Renée Carpenter: 454-7303
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