Come! Hear the debate about whether to put the F-35 resolution on the ballot for Town Meeting!
Speak at Public Forum! Make your views known at the historic Burlington City Council meeting on Monday!
Tell the Council not to shut down democracy!
Date: Monday, January 29.
Location: Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall.
Time: starts at 7pm, but If you want to get a seat and/or sign up to speak, please come early, between 6 and 6:30pm.
Thanks so much!
Over 2,700 signatures were gathered on the F-35 petition. The City Clerk stopped counting when she found the 1,787 valid signatures needed to meet legal requirements to put the F-35 resolution on the ballot for a vote at Town Meeting. The city attorney had reviewed the petition before we started collecting signatures in November and found that it meets all legal requirements to be put on the ballot.
Articles 6 and 20 of the Vermont Constitution require the city council to put the resolution up for a vote at town meeting.
But certain members of the City Council appear to be considering preventing citizens from voting on the resolution at Town Meeting by keeping it off the warning and off the ballot.
Are they in fear that the people will vote to request cancellation of F-35 basing and request instead low-noise-level equipment with a proven high safety record appropriate for a densely populated area?"
Please come to the meeting and show support for getting the resolution on the ballot. Just by being there, and especially by speaking for 2 minutes during the public comment period, you can help win the fight for democracy.
So come to the Burlington City Council meeting on Monday to support putting the resolution to cancel F-35 basing on the Town Meeting ballot.
Here are some of the key points but feel free to be creative:
• The Air Force had its say but Burlington voters have not yet had their say.
• Ever since 1777 Vermont has cherished its town meeting to make important decisions. This is one them. Please put the resolution on the ballot for a vote.
• The purpose of town meeting under article 20 of the Vermont Constitution is so the people can "instruct their representatives." Under a court decision in December 2017, the council is obliged to put the resolution on the ballot so the citizens can vote.
• Democracy is about the people voting; not suppression of the vote.
• The F-35 is Donald Trump's favored weapon for threatening nuclear war. Burlington can say no to collaborating with him if the issue is on the ballot. Deciding against putting the resolution on the ballot is akin to Burlington rolling out the red carpet for Trump and having Burlington collaborate with his threats for war.
• We support the Vermont National Guard and their mission "to protect the citizens of Vermont." The best way to support the Guard is to request cancellation of the F-35 and request low noise equipment with a low crash risk that is compatible with basing in a densely populated city.
• The best way for the council to support democracy is to let the people vote!
• Supporting our men and women in the Guard is one thing; supporting particular equipment is another.
• Citizens must have their Vermont Constitutional right to vote on matters vital to the city respected.
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