Watercolor Studio - Drop-in Painting Class

Past event
Jan 29, 2018, 9 AM to 12 PM

Watercolor Studio Weekly Drop In Painting Class. All skill levels welcome. Class fee $30.
Monday, January 29th - This week will be a continuation of our work on January, 15th. We'll look at ways to show snow covered fields, without having your  painting overwhelmed with un-painted white paper. And we'll take a look at painting winter trees that look bare but not dead.

Watecolor Studio meets every Monday morning, 9am - noon. This is a drop in class, no pre-registration needed. fee - $30 per class. Each week we focus on some topic important to painting in watercolor. There is a class page online which include class info for the next class, a schedule of topics/subjects through June, information downloads and a map and gps info. Click this link - https://tonyconner.com/drawing-painting-classes/watercolor-studio-classes-information/

Contact Tony with questions or more info 802 375 5548 or email tc@tonyconner.com

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