Hello Fairfield!
By now I hope you have received a mailing from the School Administration regarding the 2nd Public Informational Meeting about our progress on the Building Committee/School Construction Project. It is taking place at 7pm in the FCS School Gymnasium on Thursday, January 16th.
Like the first meeting we had late last year, this will again be an informative meeting that details many of the needs of the building, with recommendations for potential solutions and updated plans based on feedback from the first public meeting.. The School Board will be well represented at this meeting to address any concerns, answer any questions, and accept any feedback or guidance that you wish to provide, so that we can make informed decisions on behalf of the town on how to proceed going forward.
We selected a 7pm meeting time after receiving feedback about the time of the first meeting being too early, and will be discussing at this meeting the potential need for a future daytime window of time where concerned and curious citizens can be shown some of the issues via a tour of both the main school building, as well as the Common School.
As always, we are only as good as the direction we receive from the Town, and I encourage you to reach out to either myself, Board Chair Mike Malone, or principal Jennifer Wood with any questions. Our contact information is available on the Fairfield Center School website, or you can call the school at 827-6639. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and assisting us in ensuring that the future students of Fairfield Center School continue to have a safe and healthy place to learn right here in our community.
Thanks in advance!
Barry Fauteux
Building Committee Chairperson
Fairfield Center School Board Clerk