CES Winter Wellness Fundraiser
Community Soup Luncheon Social & Pottery Bowl Fundraiser
Cambridge Elementary School is hosting a community crockpot soup luncheon social on Sunday 2/18/2018 in the CES cafeteria in collaboration with the Cambridge Area Rotary, CES Early Act Students, CES PTA. RESCHEDULED SUNDAY 2/18/2018 11-1 Cost is $5 per person at the door. The grade 5 & 6 students have been making pottery bowls in art classes. To buy a pottery bowl and dinner ticket is $10 for the first 90 people! (Advance ticket sales at the CES Rotary Pie for breakfast Saturday 1/27/2018 8-11AM) Funds raised will help with the cost of sending our 4th, 5th and 6th graders skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing or snowshoeing at Smuggler Notch Resort this winter.
We need your help - asking for help with setup 10AM, donation of your favorite crockpot soup, bread, milk, butter, ticket sales, pottery bowl table monitoring, help serving or help with cleanup.Silent Auction table.
If you want to help - sign up on SIGN UP GENIUS http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e094fa8ae29a7f58-community
(The sixth grade class will also be selling desserts at table (extra fee) toward their year end classtrip)
Questions Donna Rooney 802-730-4655 or 644-8821 or email poster DRooney@cesvt.net