Monday, January 22, 2018, 6:00 PM
Holley Hall
I. Call to Order: 6:00 PM
1. Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. 312(d)(3)(A).
II. Regular Business.
1. Public Forum (opportunity for citizens who are not on the agenda to briefly share comments and concerns with the Board).
2. Final review and approval of the FY2019 budget.
3. Final review and approval of the Town Meeting warning.
4. Final review and approval of the Police District warning.
5. Town Report preparations update.
6. Letter of support for Ecosystem Restoration Program grant application for a development of a stormwater management plan.
7. Selectboard concerns.
8. Administrator’s report.
III. Other Business.
1. Correspondence, reports, correspondence received.
IV. Executive Session: personnel matters per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(3).
V. Adjourn.
Due to a temporary glitch which prevents the Home page from being updated, the agenda and Town Administrator's report are not available on Bristol's Web site at
Questions? Contact me at (802) 453-2410 or
--Valerie Capels
Town Administrator
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