School Board Meeting

Past event
Jan 23, 2018, 6 to 8 PM

The Twinfield Board of School Directors invites you to its Budget Forum meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd for a presentation on the budget for the 2018-19 school year. The meeting will commence at 6:00pm in the school Library, and you will have the opportunity to hear a presentation on the school budget, to ask any questions you might have, and to provide feedback to the Board before it finalizes the budget for Town Meeting.

The proposed budget represents a 2.27% increase in Education Spending per Equalized Pupil, which falls below the Ed Spending threshold of no more than a 2.5% increase per Equalized Pupil that Governor Scott has asked School Boards to achieve. The Board achieved that number though a reduction of almost $200,000 in the overall present school budget, but due to other factors that affect the tax rates, both Plainfield and Marshfield will see an increase in the school tax rate despite the overall budget reduction. All of this will be explained in detail on Tuesday evening.

The Board looks forward to seeing you at the Budget Forum.

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