Special Talk at Milarepa Buddhist Center This Saturday

Past event
Jan 20, 2018, 1 to 5 PM

Please join us this Saturday at 1 pm for "Reasoning and Investigation as Tools in Spiritual Practice" with Venerable Tenzin Gache. Venerable Gache is here on break from his rigorous studies at Sera Jey Monastery in India. After initial Tibetan language studies, he then entered the Geshe studies program in 2008, and has been engaged in intensive study, debate, and personal practice since that time. In 2013, he was awarded Rik Chung, an honorary title for outstanding young scholars. In 2015, he achieved the top score in Sera Jey for memorization.

For more information and directions please visit our website at www.milarepacenter.org We hope to see you there, we are very fortunate to have Venerable Gache offer this talk!

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