Find out more about the ESSEX Plan to change the way we use and pay for fuel and electricity, and ask your questions (ESSEX is an acronym for an Economy Strengthening Strategic Energy eXchange.).
With Tom Hughes, Director, Energy Independent Vermont
and Senator Chris Pearson (Chittenden County)
Sponsored by Richmond Climate Action Committee and Vermont Interfaith Power & Light.
How can Vermonters address climate change by reducing our burning of fossil fuels, without damaging our economy, exploding our cost of living, and penalizing those with low incomes and those who rely on gasoline for transport to work and oil to heat their homes?
The ESSEX Plan proposes to increase the cost of fossil fuels while reducing the cost of electricity, and would provide rebates to all Vermont ratepayers with additional rebates to low-income ratepayers. The plan aims to harness the power of the market to reduce carbon pollution, help the state meet its climate and clean energy goals, create jobs, attract new businesses, and prioritize the most vulnerable.
Monday Jan. 29 from 7 - 9 pm
at Richmond Free Library
201 Bridge Street, Richmond
For more information, contact Betsy Hardy at 434-3397 or email
Mar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Westford Annual Town MeetingMar 3, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Vermont Flower Show Brings Spring to Champlain ExpoMar 7, 10 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025