If you have an intention to be better education, and more empowered, over your financial life, then this educational session is a great starting point. The session's focus is to help you understand how to coordinate all your finances together - from investments, to tax efficiency, to insurance, legal documents, budgeting.... I believe too many people are owning financial products without understanding how, when and why to own them. The end result is often money being lost unnecessarily, and risks being taken without knowing.
There will be a second presentation "Financial Planning for the Single Parent" on January 25th from 6:00 until 7:00. For more information on both sessions and to RSVP, click:
Also, I am offering comprehensive reviews for $279, which will help you better understand all opportunities for improvement. My mission is to help you become more educated and empowered, and do it from a place of complete objectivity. I am a licensed Financial Consultant in Vermont, and am not permitted to represent any financial product or company. For more information on what is covered in a "Current Plan Assessment", click:
I hope your new year is blessed,
Steve Schleupner
President, You Tree, LLC
Feb 13, 2025, 3 PM
Somatic Practice for Resistance/ResilienceFeb 13, 2025, 6:30 to 7 PM
Karuna Community MeditationFeb 16, 2025