The Planning Commission meets next on Tuesday January 16th from 7 - 9 pm. The full agenda may be found on the PC agenda page:
The following items are on Tuesday's Agenda:
1) In December, the Planning Commission received a Municipal Planning Grant from the State of Vermont to continue the Commercial district planning project begun in 2016. The first step in this planning process is for the Planning Commission to select a consultant. On Tuesday the PC will discuss the requirements they seek in a consultant and draft a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) letter.
2) The Planning Commission has been working with the Conservation Commission on revising the Natural Resources Overly district. They will talk about progress made and next steps. This the the most current draft. No changes have been made on in it since the PC's December 5 meeting.
3)The Planning Commission will discuss their response to comments received about the Town's discontinuance of the Local Tax Stabilization program in 2016. They will review a draft letter and consider sending it to the Selectboard.
If you can't make it, the meetings are recorded by MMCTV. A link to the video of the meeting will be posted by the end of next week on the Planning Commission's webpage:
Please feel free to contact the Planner (me!) with any comments or questions.
Feb 1, 2025, 11 AM
Creating Community with ColorFeb 4, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
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