After such an enthusiastic response to the "Bollywood" style Indian dances at numerous Child Haven Sari Fashion Show fundraisers, there will now be a FREE Buffalo Mountain Bollywood Dance Club, to keep the spirit moving and flowing throughout the cold winter months! No EARMUFFS necessary! This will be led by non-dance-teacher Emily Lanxner, who will be getting things organized to that we can all have a time and place to get together and help each other learn some dance moves - and have fun getting a little exercise!
Seven dates are scheduled: Mondays: January 22, 29 and February 5. Then, Tuesdays: February 20, 27 and March 20 and 27. Please note that the first three dates are on Mondays; thereafter, they will be on Tuesdays. If the 5:30-7pm time doesn't work for you, please let us know - adjustments can be made!