Legislating Change: Advocating for Justice in the Vermont Statehouse
January 16, 2018; 7 - 9 pm
Unitarian Church of Montpelier; 130 Main Street
This event is part of The Grassroots School series hosted by Vermont Climate Union and the Vermont New Poor People's Campaign.
Please check out the calendar at: https://www.poorpeoplescampaignvt.org/calender/
OR register for workshops at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTVPtCWHoPDGq-s-IGvx750i3nrSJtVRj7riP68LV6S53cVw/viewform
This discussion is a great opportunity for organizers to skill up with experienced advocates. This is also a great way to get volunteers and members on board for your legislative strategy this year. Please spread the word about this and our other grassroots organizer training. More details below.
Karen Topper (Green Mountain Self Advocates), Patrick Flood (350VT, former State Official) and Mark Hughes (Justice for All) will present on tactics and strategies for organizers and activists who want to win legislation in the VT Statehouse. This is an exceptional team of trainers set to get us off to a running start for this legislative session, as advocates and agitators. Expect a lively conversation and a list of opportunities to apply our newfound skills!
Please check out the rest of the Grassroots Organizer Training series here: https://www.poorpeoplescampaignvt.org/class-descriptions/
And register for any of our workshops here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTVPtCWHoPDGq-s-IGvx750i3nrSJtVRj7riP68LV6S53cVw/v[...]ink
Undergraduate & Graduate Credit Available. Contact vtclimateunion@gmail.com