Aikido Classes Starting

Past event
Jan 12, 2018, 7 to 8 PM

Happy New Year, Brandon! Time to put away those earmuffs and warm up in our Aikido Dojo. There is a new Beginners Session starting at Aikido Yoshokai Vermont here in Brandon this Friday evening. Adults 14 & up are encouraged to join us or just watch class to see if Aikido looks like fun to you.

Aikido is a non-competitive form of Budo -- the martial arts of Japan with a focus shifted from fighting to working together to grow and learn. You and your partner take turns being in balance and off balance, leading and following, throwing and falling (safely). Pairs work cooperatively to try to create the best technique together.

Classes for adults are on Friday nights from 7-8PM at Pillar Pilates Studio at 25 Rossiter St, Brandon. (Down past the Union St. grocery, then left just before the tracks. On the left at the corner of Rossiter.) Cost: $40/mo; $110/quarter

Youth classes start at 9AM Saturday morning, same location. Cost: $30/mo; $80/quarter

The Aikido Yoshokai Association of Vermont, Inc., is a state and federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization.
For more information, go to or visit us on Facebook:

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