Centering Prayer Workshop

Past event
Jan 13, 2018, 8:45 AM to 1:30 PM

What is Centering Prayer: Centering Prayer is a method of meditation placing a strong emphasis on interior silence. The modern Centering Prayer movement in Christianity can be traced to several books published by three Trappist monks in the 1970s.. The name was taken from Thomas Moore’s description of contemplative prayer as prayer that is “centered entirely on the presence of God.”

Who is the Workshop for: Adults and older children who are interested in the Centering Prayer method to deepen their prayer life.

Who is the Presenter: Mark Kutolowski, a presenter for Fr. Thomas Keating's Contemplative Outreach, will be the facilitator of this workshop. Mark is a lay Oblate of Saint Benedict and has been practicing Centering Prayer since 1998. He is a wilderness spirituality ministry, New Creation Wilderness Programs.

What are the Objectives of the Workshop: In this workshop, you will...

• Learn the basics of the Centering Prayer method

• Gain appreciation for the theological background of Centering Prayer

• Learn how Centering Prayer complements other forms of prayer

• Experience two periods of Centering Prayer

• Learn how to deal with “thoughts” during Centering Prayer

• Discover how to overcome common pitfalls in establishing Centering Prayer practice

• Become aware of the “fruits” of Centering Prayer and the path to deepening your relationship with God

What is the Workshop Schedule:

8:45 Gathering

9:00 Centering Prayer workshop begins:

• Teaching 1: Prayer & the Christian Contemplative Tradition

• Teaching 2: The Centering Prayer Method

• 1st Centering Prayer Session

• Teaching 3: Silence, Thoughts & Intention

• 2nd Centering Prayer Session

• Teaching 4: Fruits of Centering Prayer & Growth in Centering Prayer

• 1:00 (approx.) Pot luck lunch and closing prayer

Where is the Workshop held: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 273 VT Rte. 15 near the junction with Brown’s Trace road. There is parking onsite and handicap accessibility.

Is there a fee for the Workshop: A donation of $10 is welcome, but any amount is appreciated, to help meet the presenter’s fee and travel expenses.

Other details: A potluck lunch is planned. Finger-food contributions are appreciated, or any contribution you would like to make. Everyone is welcome to stay for lunch, to meet other participants.

How to sign up: Please contact Barbara at to register for the workshop, or for more information. Or call 899-2113.

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