Health Care Delivery and Financing in Vermont

Past event
Jan 10, 2018, 12 to 2 PM

You are invited to listen to Dr. Paul Reiss at noon at the Essex Rotary Club luncheon on Wednesday, January 10th, at the Essex Resort and Spa.

Dr. Reiss says that complexity, mystery, and frustration abounds in the current financing and delivery of health care in Vermont. He will make a case for primary care to be separated from an insurance financing model. He says he will also “debunk” some of the “accepted” dogma around health care in Vermont and nationally.

Dr. Reiss is a principal at Evergreen Family Health in Williston.
He was the original physician at the practice in 1990. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and received a certificate of added qualification in Sports Medicine. He is the board chair of Healthfirst, a statewide independent practice association; and the medical director of the Accountable Care Coalition of the Green Mountains.

Please contact Jeff Cabanaw at 802-922-7025 if you wish to attend. Lunch cost is $17.00

The Essex VT Rotary club encompasses the Towns of Essex, Jericho, Underhill and Westford.

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