March for Our Future Rally

Past event
Jan 20, 2018, 1 to 4 PM

Join us on January 20th, at 1:00pm. March begins at Montpelier City Hall and continues to the Statehouse for a rally

Mission Statement:
The focus of this march is to elevate youth and raise our voices. We will march for human rights, dignity, and equality for all. We will march for our future.

America’s diverse youth and their allies will march to protect the future of this country. While facing issues like climate change and discrimination we recognize that youth are the most vulnerable to violations of human rights, yet our voices have not been heard. We recognize that young people are our future. We recognize that today’s youth are tomorrow's leaders.

We recognize and call for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for immigrant, undocumented, black, brown, LGBTQIA, and youth of all faiths, ethnicities, races, classes, ages, and abilities.

The March For Our Future stands for progress, not regression, on the issues that affect young people and our planet. Our voices need to be heard and our actions need to be realized. This generation is alive now, and we are taking action to create a better future.

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