Budget Work Session for Selectboard

Past event
Jan 4, 2018, 12 AM

The Essex Selectboard is holding a budget work session the evening of Thursday, Jan. 4. The meeting begins at 6 p.m., and will be held at the Essex Police Station, 145 Maple St.

During the work session, the Selectboard will review the following budgets proposed for fiscal year end 2019:

- Public Works
- Buildings
- Highway and Stormwater
- Capital Budget

Additional budget work sessions will take place throughout January. The full schedule is available on the Town's website at http://www.essex.org/index.asp?SEC=C8AD8BEF-BAC6-489D-8694-C953D5A4356D&Type=B_BASIC.

For more information, please contact the Town Manager's office at 878-1341.

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