Keep warm on Sunday, go to a movie at the library!
"Now Is The Time: Healthcare for Everyone" is the second film by Laurie Simons and Terry Sterrenberg of "Driving for Universal Healthcare." It will be shown Sunday January 7th at 2pm at the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.
Their first film compared the US and Canadian health systems, dispelling many myths about standards of care. This 2nd film zooms in on the US system, featuring efforts for reform in Vermont. Dr. Anna Carey of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) from Cambridge VT will lead discussion after the film. Dr Carey’s special interests are diabetes, geriatrics, mental health and health care reform. She is past chair of the VT Chapter of PNHP, and she enjoys hearing from folks about their healthcare experiences.
The League of Women Voters is sponsoring the showing of this movie with the support of local PNHP members. Universal healthcare is a League priority issue. Health care programs in VT are at risk because of changed national funding, for example the Children's Health Insurance Program, Dr. Dynasaur, and Community Health Centers. Now is the time to become informed and speak your mind along with others who want better health care for everyone.