Dems Select Ward 4 City Council Candidate

Past event
Jan 7, 2018, 3:30 to 5 PM

On Sunday, Jan 7, 3:30pm, Ward 4 will hold an open caucus to select a City Council candidate as no one declared an intent to run.

This is an excellent opportunity to serve, and to represent Dems on the March Town Meeting ballot. If you're not sure about your registration status, Burlington has same day voter registration. You can register and vote at the caucus if you are a citizen and resident of Ward 4. Be there early to register,. (Latecomers may not be allowed to participate.)

Non-citizens and non-residents are welcome to come, observe, and cheer for favorite candidates. Usually there's a special section reserved for observers.

Relevant Dem Party Rules by-laws:

B. Eligibility to Participate and Vote in Nominating Caucuses:
Any registered voter who resides in the City of Burlington, in the case of a citywide nomination, or any registered voter who resides in the respective ward, in the case of an election for a position limited to that ward, shall be eligible to vote in a caucus duly warned for that purpose, so long as that person: 1) does not currently hold membership in another organized party’s committee, or 2) has not voted in another party’s caucus for the same nomination in the same election.

If no candidate [has submitted] his or her nomination by the aforementioned deadline [10 days before the caucus], nominations will be accepted from the floor of the caucus.



(Note BHS central location, plenty of parking, and afternoon schedule so everyone can get home before dark.)

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