Watercolor Studio Painting Class

Past event
Jan 8, 2018, 9 AM to 12 PM

Weekly instruction in watercolor painting. Consistent, applied work and practice is the best way to will help push your work to higher and higher levels of skill.

In this on-going series of studio classes, you'll work along-side other watercolor painters and with the guidance of an experienced instructor.

Each class will focus on a particular facet of watercolor painting.  Watercolor is a unique and beautiful medium - with it's own unique working properties and fundamental techniques.  We practice those fundamentals regularly while covering more advanced topics in color, design and composition.  

Over this series of studio sessions, we'll learn and practice the techniques and skills that will enable you to master the watercolor medium.

More info online here - https://tonyconner.com/weekly-watercolor-painting-class-bennington-vermont/
Or contact Tony Conner - tc@tonyconner.com or 802 375 5548

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