The Underhill Alternative Transportation Committee is sponsoring a presentation and discussion of transportation options for local citizens including both normal, everyday commuting and personal needs as well as the special challenges of transportation as we age in our communities. While this discussion is being sponsored by Underhill, residents of Cambridge may be interested and are invited to attend and participate.
When: Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 6:30pm
Where: Underhill Town Hall, Pleasant Valley Road, Underhill Center
Who: Sandy Thibault, Executive Director, Chittenden Area Transportation Management Association (CATMA) and Jeanne Hutchins, Mount Mansfield Village Community
Light refreshments provided
CATMA is a non-profit, membership based, transportation management association (TMA) serving Chittenden County. They administer and manage customized, transportation demand management (TDM) programs for local employers and institutions that achieve easier, more economical commutes, reduce parking challenges and congestion, and reduce polluting emissions. Although they do not operate transit services, they maintain strong partnerships with local transit organizations and will assist patrons in accessing them.
Mount Mansfield Village Community is a locally initiated "village model" designed to assist older residents who choose to “age in place” by providing and/or linking them to services that would create a safe and supportive environment within their existing homes and communities. For more information go to the Village Network website at
Contact for more info: Michael Oman, email, phone 802-899-3146