Sales-System Design: Free Workshop Jan. 9

Past event
Jan 9, 2018, 5:30 to 7 PM

Hello, Front Porch Forum community! Please join me for a FREE Sales-System Design: Create a Client-Enrollment Strategy for Long-Term, Consistent, and Reliable Income workshop I am offering on Tues. Jan 9th, 2018, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

In this workshop you’ll be introduced to the concept of a sales funnel using long-term strategies that take your ideal client on a deep, transformational journey.

Your sales funnel is an important part of a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy. When your sales funnel is a reflection of your authentic life’s calling then sales and marketing can be be fun and inspiring--at the heart of it, your offer is a gift of transformation.

This workshop will focus on:

- How to connect your sales and marketing strategy to the underlying energy of COMPASSION.

- Creating a sales funnel that results in an UPWARD SPIRAL in fulfillment, joy, financial rewards, and deep transformation for yourself and your clients.

- The importance of matching sales offers that are proportionate to TRUST EARNED.

- AUTHENTIC marketing strategies that inspire your ideal customer to say their first “YES” and then take them on an upward spiral to become lifetime customers.

- How to craft your offers or services for each step of the sales funnel that help to transform your ideal customer’s problems and suffering into SOLUTIONS, JOY, and FREEDOM.

This workshop is an ideal follow up to the Rapid Client Enrollment Workshop on Nov 28th, which focuses on short-term income-producing strategies.

Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: 27 State St., Montpelier (above Capitol Grounds Cafe)

Space is limited, so please pre-register for this workshop NOW by calling 802-225-5960, option 2 or visit to RSVP.

This workshop is being offered by Dharma “Jason” Pugliese, business coach and Founder and President of the Holistic School of Business. You can learn more about him by visiting

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