Lakeshore Protection Meeting 1/8

Past event
Jan 8, 2014, 6 to 8 PM

The final public state held meeting about the Shoreline Protection Bill will be held January 8th at 6pm at the Statehouse in Montpelier. I received an email from the Lake Champlain Committee saying this will be the last public meeting the state will have seeking public input. Although an inconvenient location for us Grand Isle residents, it is important for as many people as possible to attend to voice their opinion on this bill which will affect how lakeshore property owners are allowed to use their property.

I am unable to attend this meeting as GICWD’s monthly Water Commissioner board meets the same night at the Fish Hatchery at 7pm but I hope lakefront owners will turn out by the thousands!

The LCC is PRO this bill and their email was as follows:
Vermont’s lakes and ponds need your help. Last year the Vermont House passed a shoreland protection bill. Informational meetings were held around the state during the summer and now the Senate is poised to act on legislation that will protect wildlife and water quality in Vermont.
On Wednesday January 8th from 6-8 PM at the Statehouse in Montpelier they will be seeking public input on lakeshore protection legislation.
Please attend the hearing and make your voice heard to help ensure legislators advance a bill that will safeguard our waterways. This is the final public hearing on shoreland protection legislation. We know that people who oppose legislation will show up in force. That's why it's important that you show up too, even if you have provided input in the past.
Each speaker’s time will be limited. Some key points to make:
-Vermont's lakes and ponds belong to everyone, not just people who own shoreline property.
-Vegetated shorelines protect water quality, wildlife habitat, and property values.
-Lakeshore trees and shrubs provide shoreline stability.
-Vermont lakeshore protections are weaker than other states in the region and need to be strengthened.
For more information contact LCC Staff Scientist Mike Winslow at 802-658-1414 or

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