Youth Group - Game Night!

Past event
Dec 9, 2017, 1:30 to 4 PM

It's Youth Group time again! This is a busy season, we know, but we wanted to get some fun in before schedules get totally crazy. (Too late?! :))

This Saturday, December 9, we are going to have a Game "Afternoon/Night" (it will look like night by the time we leave!) from 1:30-4:00 in the fellowship hall at Middletown Springs Church.

We will bring some light snacks and provide the games. Please bring your favorite game with you if you have a super-fun one that you would like to share with the group!

Invite your friends (in grades 7-12) to join you. The more the merrier!

Please RSVP so we can figure out snacks and let us know if you need a ride. We're happy to make arrangements if you need help getting to/from youth group.

Hope to see you there!
Erick Ericksen
Mary (text) 236-9648

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