Many apologies. I posted the incorrect agenda yesterday. Below is the actual agenda for the January 6th Selectboard meeting.
Please make special note that this meeting starts at 6:00PM.
1. Call to Order 6:00PM
2. Selectboard Budget Deliberations – FY2015 Budget 6:00PM
3. Discuss Town Lister’s FY2015 Budget Request 6:30PM
4. Non Agenda Items: Honor Volunteer Service 7:00PM
5. Discuss Town Clerk’s FY2015 Budget Request 7:05PM
6. Discuss Carpenter – Carse Library FY2015 Budget Request 7:15PM
7. Discuss CCTA FY2015 Budget Request and Receive Update from CCTA 7:30PM
8. Discuss Agency Request Review Committee Budget Request for FY2015 7:45PM
9. Consider Approving the Lease-Purchase of Two (2) New Police Cruisers 8:00PM
10. Consider Authorizing an additional $10,000 for the New Police Station Furniture 8:10PM
11. Discuss Town Administrator’s FY2015 Budget Request 8:20PM
12. Town Administrator Report 8:30PM
13. Selectboard Forum 8:40PM
14. Consider Approving Warrants 8:45PM
15. Consider Approving Minutes 8:50PM
16. Executive Session – Consider Vermont Gas Systems Easement and Agreement 8:55PM
17. Adjourn 9:30PM
For Complete Selectboard Packet Please Go To:
Contact the Town Administrator if you have any further questions:; or 482-2281x221
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