Join us at the Bixby and all over Vergennes for Christmas themed events.
Day's festivities include:
10:30-10:45 Santa Visits the Bixby and reads T’was the Night Before Christmas to families.
11 -11:45 Jon Gailmor will play and entertain young and old.
11am- 1pm Local Authors, including Vermont Wild author Megan Price will be selling their books.
1- 1:30pm Maiden Vermont will serenade those gathered in the lobby.
Sweet treats will be available as long as Santa doesn’t eat them all.
All Day Gift Baskets will be on display to bid on. All proceeds from these baskets help the Friends of the Bixby Library. This is the last day of bidding and bid sheets will be collected at 1:45pm. You do not have to be present to win.
Vergennes will be full of holiday festivities, treats and local shopping on Dec 2. Find out more at"