Learn About the Foundry Workshop and How We Might Help

Past event
Nov 28, 2017, 6 to 8:30 PM

Did you know that Vermont boasts one of the highest per-capita concentration of artists in the nation? And that a strong creative community has been found to drive many peripheral dollars into an area? It may almost sound that we are blessed...

However, the challenges that face an artist are many.
- It often takes years of education and practice to hone one’s craft.
- It can be difficult to find work in the art field, and, as a consequence, many artists are forced to find other work for income.
- Even artists who are able to focus on creating work, often find it difficult to market and sell their work.
- Studio space and access to specialized supplies or equipment can be cost-prohibitive.
- Finally, the cost of producing art and presenting it in a marketable way can be challenging.

The Foundry would like to hear what specific challenges you may face, and how we can help our area's creative economy flourish.

We cordially invite you to hors d'oeuvres and a beer at the Kingdom Taproom in St Johnsbury, for a meet-and-greet, and to see how we may be able to best help you.
This event is free of charge, but requires registration (we need to know how many people to feed!)
To reserve a spot (or for more information), visit www.thefoundryvt.org or drop us a line with any questions or comments you may have!

Hope to see you there!

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