On Friday & Saturday, Dec. 1 & 2, come enjoy Lake Champlain Waldorf School’s 33rd Holiday Fair. Enjoy magical activities, homemade food, performances, artisan-merchants from Vermont and Quebec, and Waldorf inspired vendors. An event for the entire family.
Friday evening, 6:30-9:00, is for adults and older teens to shop out of sight of little eyes. The Artisan Market with over 50 talented vendors offers jewelry, natural fiber crafts, fine and practical pottery, art, terrariums, beeswax and coconut candles, handmade bags, natural skin care products, fair trade tablecloths and napkins, hand-turned wooden bowls and cutting boards, infused maple syrup, and many gifts for children including doll houses, gnomes, doll clothes, wooden toys, and amazing Waldorf dolls.
Saturday, 10:00-3:00, the marketplace reopens and the children’s events begin: ANGEL ROOM (where young children can get handmade gifts for friends and family), beeswax candle dipping, ornament making, the CRYSTAL CAVE OF THE SNOW QUEEN AND KING, close magic, performances, ROSHAMBO CAKE GAME, AFRICAN DRUMMING CIRCLE, delicious homemade food, a BONFIRE, an awesome HARMONOGRAPH, and woodworking demonstration.
Free admission, some activities cost $1 to $3. Harbor Road to Turtle Lane. 985-2827
Mar 7, 12 AM to 4 PM, Mar 9, 2025
Sundays at Ascension Lutheran ChurchMar 9, 2025, 9 to 11:30 AM
Essex Junction Democratic Committee Regular MeetingMar 10, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM